Saturday, October 17, 2009

Austin, little Boys, Grow men???

We went to Austin game this morning, Austin waved up to us when he seen us! Grandpa give him words of wisdom for his first game. These little guys are only five years old and are so innocent they are so happy to be here with little guys thier own age they jump up and down look at each other and smile, give each other high five's and good job wishes. And then the game start and their coach yells to them over here, over her, over here, run, kick the ball, kick the ball, he has to yell because the parents and grandparents are yelling too, some one is blowing a whistle the boys are having fun but learning lots of life lesson that this is a game that needs winner 's and loser's and and they need to run fast and kick the ball and the little leggs are getting tried they all want to set in the sit out box. then the game ends and they get to cheer for the other team and go throught the hand slap line you can tell they like this and then the treats and drink and some gummie bears make it all worth it!!! Just like big guys need time to be guys and just run with the pack and be a guys (Tim Taylor) comes to mind a little grunting and howling any one????


Bryant and Crystal said...

yeah Austin. I can't beilive he is getting so big. didn't heather just have him? crazy!

Heather Rose said...

you got better pics than me i will have to steal these from you :) we looked at these the other day and he had a big ol fat grin the whole time:) he loves so much when you guys come to his games!!

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